Once upon a time in Mexico, a quick review

The movie sucked.

The featurettes are really really interesting (and worth the rental), especially if you have any sort of interest in film-making or the application of technology to the creative process.

VS.Net 2005 May CTP, Membership PasswordRecovery

There is a bug in the May CTP bits of Whidbey that prevents the PasswordRecovery control from properly doing its magic. Specifically, it can't send an email because the SmtpMail class that this control relies on has some broken logic when it comes to reading the name/address of the SMTP server from the config file. The symptom is a COM error relating that the “SendUsing” configuration value is not defined. To fix this problem, make sure you set the value of the SMTP server in your code. (something like SmtpMail.SmtpServer = “localhost”;) Then, things will work like a charm. Of course, this tip is brought to you by the indispensable Lutz Roeder's Reflector.

VS.Net 2005 May CTP, adding assembly reference to Web project

I couldn't find a way to add an external project reference to my Whidbey web project, so I googled for answers. Instead, I found that Matt Hawley, among others was having the same problem. Well, Matt hasn't looked hard enough! :-)

The answer is right there in the Readme:

13.19. The Add Reference button in property pages dialog boxes does not work

Steps to reproduce:

Start Visual Studio 2005.
Create a new Web site.
Right-click the Web project in Solution Explorer and click Property Pages on the shortcut menu.
Click Add Reference.
Nothing happens.


To resolve this issue


To add a reference to a managed assembly: Create a /Bin folder and add the assembly to /Bin by using the Add existing item shortcut menu To add a reference to an unmanaged COM component: Use TlbImp.exe to create an interop assembly and add that assembly to /Bin by using the steps above There currently is no workaround for adding a project reference.
